As many of you know, early on Friday, at least twelve people were killed when a gunman opened fire at a movie heater in Aurora, Colorado. 正如你们很多人了解的那样,早在星期五,一名持枪男子在科罗拉多州奥罗拉电影院开枪致使至少12人死亡。 Dozens more
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Although I didn't know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week - I really did know them. 虽然我不认识本周达拉斯被枪杀的五名警察,以及负伤的七名警察,但我确实了解他们。 They were the f
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Stronger, Smarter, and Swifter Defenses
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. As Commander-in-Chief, I'm committed to doing everything in my power to advance our national security. And that includes strengthening our defenses against any and all thr