Cameron Russell承认她是个遗传的幸运儿,她是个高挑漂亮的内衣模特。但不要光用外表来评判她。在这场无所畏惧的演讲中,她用另类的方式来看待这个让她16岁时就变得充满魅力的的行业。 Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. Cameron Russell: 外表不是全部。相信我,我是个模特。 Hi.
名人演讲 :奥巴马最后一次国情咨文(16)
That's how we forged a Trans-Pacific Partnership to open markets, protect workers and the environment, and advance American leadership in Asia. 这还是我们建立跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)时采取的方法。该协定能打开市场、保护工人利益、保护环境,还能
Meeting with APOLLO 11 Crew
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AFTER MEETING WITH APOLLO 11 CREW THE PRESIDENT: Very rarely do I have such an extraordinary pleasure as I have today to welcome three iconic figures, three genuine American h
This is a portrait by a photographer named Phil Toledano. 这是一幅由Phil Toldano拍摄的肖像。 He wanted to capture the emotion of gaming,so he set up a camera in front of gamers while they were playing. 他想捕捉玩游戏时的
Can I say how delighted I am to be away from the calm of Westminster and Whitehall? 能暂时摆脱英国国会与政府大楼的平淡无奇,我的喜悦之情真的是难以言表。 This is Kim, a nine-year-old Vietnam girl,her back ruined by napalm, and she awak