美国前白宫演讲撰稿人Jon Lovett,前奥巴马和希拉里的御用演讲稿撰稿人,2013年5月18日在匹兹学院的演讲及演讲稿,匹兹学院是Claremont Colleges(克里蒙特学院联盟)的一所文理学院。成立于1963年,为学院联盟的第五个成员。Jon Lovett和《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)的杰森·温纳(Jason Winer)联合编写了《总统一家》(1600 P
奥巴马演讲:Putting Washington at the Service of the&
THE PRESIDENT: Madam Speaker, Vice President Biden, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: Our Constitution declares that from time to time, the President shall give to Congr
Another example: 还有一个例子 a few years ago I got a call from a man who was 19 years old, 几年前,我接到一个十九岁的男孩打来的电话 who was born a boy, raised a boy, 他生下来是个男孩,也被当作男孩来养 had a girlfriend, had sex with his girlfr
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you very much. Mr. Secretary General, thank you for your hospitality. Its good to see you again. I remember our days together in the la frontera de Tejas y México, when I was the
Every day is a gift “Ta, ta, ta.” Do you feel the time going away my friend ? I heard an interesting sentence from《Kungfu panda》,“ Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, tha