奥巴马演讲 教育是我们时代的经济问题2
So it’s no wonder that the amount student borrowers owe has risen almost 25 percent just over the last five years. Think about that. Just in the last five years, the debt of students has done up
幸福是什么?金钱,名望,或者成就感? 哈佛大学开展了一次史上对成人发展研究最长的一次研究项目: 从1938年开始,至今75年间,他们跟踪记录了724位男性,从少年到老年,年复一年地询问和记载他们的工作、生活和健康状况等,这个项目至今还在继续中。本次演讲者Robert Waldinger先生是第四任负责此项目的主管。他将和大家分享这75年来的研究所得与发现:什么样的人生是我们想要的?如何才能健康幸福
奥巴马每周电视演讲20150411:副总统乔拜登呼吁免除社区大学学费 (中英lrc)
Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College (April 11, 2015) 奥巴马每周电视讲话:副总统乔拜登呼吁免除社区大学学费 Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Joe Biden and I'm here filling in for President Obama, who is traveling abroad.
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1 Happy New Year, everybody. At a time when we turn the page on one year and look ahead to the future, I just want to take a minute to thank you for everything you’ve done to make America strong