美国总统奥巴马及其夫人发表了2011年的圣诞节英语演讲,其实每年都是感谢家庭和军队,主题是军队,奥巴马和他的夫人感谢了军队、军属、退役老兵的风险和牺牲,也鼓励大家在这个合家团聚的时刻,找到更多的办法支持军人和军人家属。 The President and First Lady Thank our Troops for their Service as we Celebrate the Holida
英国首相卡梅伦辞职演讲 2
Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made. 世界各地的人们都一直在关注英国会作出怎样的选择。 I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain's economy is fundamentally strong an
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My mortgage was $175 a month. 我的抵押贷款,每月需要还175美元。 When she came back, I picked up her up and I said, you remember that house you liked? 她从芝加哥回来的时候,我去接她,问她还记得你喜欢的那栋房子么? She said yeah. I said, while you
President Bush Meets with Economic Advisors
August 8, 2007 12:44 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, Mr. Secretary. Thank you for your hospitality. We're pleased to be here at the Treasury Department. This morning I spoke with Governor Hunt