乔丹退役演说Jordan Retirement I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature. Mentally, I'm exhausted, I don't feel
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They force the release of dangerous criminal aliens from prisons and jails, including drug traffickers and dealers, responsible for the deaths of countless Americans. 他们强行释放了监狱和看守所的外国危险罪犯,包括造成无数美国人死亡的
My dearest one,I've just heard the news that all the army men who were held POW are to return to their homes. 我的挚爱,我刚得知一个消息。战俘们就要返乡了。 Because of the shipping situation we may not commence to go before
President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Health Savings Accounts(Sept.12,200
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank our participants for joining me here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I want to thank the Mayor, members of Congress, United States Senator. Most importantly I want to thank