Now, notice, something interesting -- 接下来有意思的事情来了 Well, I should tell you about the Supreme Court first. 哦,我先说一下最高法院的审理结果吧 The Supreme Court decided. 最高法院判定: What do you suppose they said? 你们猜是怎样? The
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Thank you very much 非常感谢 First of all, thank you 首先 谢谢你们 I thank you and Dr. Paula WhetselRibeau 谢谢你们 还有宝拉?威索尔里博博士 Thank you for meeting me outside with your daughter 谢谢你带着你女儿在外面接我 As a father of a gr
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THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Everybody, please have a seat. I am having so much fun! (Laughter.) It is great to see all of you here for our first White House Science Fair. I have been looking
Imagine if I let go of my habit of saving the world behind your back, 想像我放弃在你们背后拯救世界的习惯, of deliberating on the future of your work, your food, your schools, in places where you couldn't get past secu