I was so taken aback by what I saw that I had to ask myself, 亲眼所见的情形让我非常惊讶 我不得不问自己 did I still believe that innovation could solve the world's toughest problems? 我还相信创新能够解决世界上最困难的问题吗 I promised my
So I went out and built a phenomenal team of data scientists and researchers and statisticians to build a universal risk assessment tool, 所以我组建了一个出色的团队,由数据科学家和研究人员还有统计人员组成,建立一个通用的风险评估工具, so that every
Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :向投资者展示工作成果
The thing that really inspires people 真正激发人们灵感的是 is a working product. 用起来得心应手的产品 When you're pitching someone, 当你向别人推荐产品的时候 the best thing you can do is 最好的办法就是 show them something that works. 向他
I was amazed. I felt like Marco Polo. 我很惊讶。我觉得自己就像是马可波罗。 And to capture the moment, I said to Xuelin, 为了捕捉这一刻,我对雪琳说, I said do you think that they will be OK if we actually took a photograph, a photog
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