My country has taught me the capacity for a human being to love is akin to godliness. 我的国家教给我,一个人拥有爱的能力,就像是对神灵万物的敬畏。 It shines forth in a world which civilization, I think, already has tampered too mu
Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the American auto industry, who are busy writing a new chapter in America’s story. Just a few years ago, their
英语演讲-01 When i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. it's funny. then i discovered the beauty of th
Ted英语演讲:Nic Marks全球幸福指数
统计学家 Nic Marks 提问,为何我们以一个国家的生产力来衡量其成功与否,而非人民的快乐与身心健康?他因此推出了「快乐星球指数」(HPI),用以追踪一国安康与资源利用之间的关系,因为快乐人生不需要赔上地球,那些国家的 HPI 最高呢?各位可能会吓一跳。Nic Marks 收集让我们感到快乐的证据,用以提倡将人民身心健康与地球摆在优先顺位,他是英国智库新经济基金会(NEF)身心健康中心的创办人
President Bush Discusses Protect America Act
February 13, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Director, thank you for joining me. Good morning. At this moment, somewhere in the world, terrorists are planning new attacks on our country. Their goal is to bring de