You see, like all networks, mycorrhizal networks have nodes and links. 你们看,就像所有的网络一样,真菌的网络中也有节点和链接。 We made this map by examining the short sequences of DNA of every tree and every fungal individual i
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Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you very much for this honor you are awarding me tonight. I've always believed that real measures of celebrity success was not just how famous he becomes, but
赫敏联合国演讲:谈性别平等 1
Since HeForShe launched in New York last September, I think it would be fair to say that my colleagues and I have been stunned by the response. 自从九月份在纽约发起“HeForShe”运动以来,我觉得,说句实话,我和我同事被大家的回应震惊了。 The He
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Your first time back on the TEDWomen stage. 帕特·米切尔,你第一次回到TEDWomen讲台。 Sheryl Sandberg: First time back. Nice to see everyone. It's always so nice to look out and see so many women. 谢乐尔.桑德伯格SS:第一次回来
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