So what's that about? 到底怎么回事? It looks like women got some power boost on a video game, 看起来好像女人像是电子游戏里一样得到很多的力量。 or like they snuck in some secret serum into their birth-control pills that lets them s
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But what I know about business in life is that there are many, many, many opportunities to lose your way, there are many opportunities to lose your way because you are overcame by greed. That's wh
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I'd like to close with this poem. 我想以此诗来做结束。 When they bombed Hiroshima, the explosion formed a mini-supernova, so every living animal, human or plant that received direct contact with the rays from t
You know, my favorite part of being a dad 身为父亲最让我开心的, is the movies I get to watch. 就是可以看自己喜欢的电影。 I love sharing my favorite movies with my kids, 我喜欢跟我的孩子分享我的电影, and when my daughter was four, 当我的女儿四岁