TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(2)
And so I began to think about that. And it turned out that this machine happens to be the most reliable machine that we've ever made. 我发觉到这部机器正是人类有史以来创造过的最可靠的机器。 It has not crashed; it's running unint
奥巴马演讲 携夫人看福特剧院演出
Hello, everybody. It is a pleasure to welcome all of you to the White House. I'm going to be very brief, because I know you're all looking forward to heading down the street a little bit later for a w
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President's Radio Address
November 17, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In a few days, our Nation will celebrate Thanksgiving. Like millions of Americans, members of Congress will travel home for the holiday. Unfortunately, a
So when I started producing "The Dead Mall Series," I put the videos up onto YouTube, 当我开始制作“废弃的商场系列”时,我把这些视频放在了YouTube上, and while I thought they were interesting, frankly I didn't think others would