风雨哈佛路原作者Liz Murray励志演讲:我们并不活在以后,而是活在当下
I don't know. I don't know how long can you know that there is something bigger for you, and yet you ignore that. "我们并不活在以后,而是活在当下。"一个曾经失魂落魄,无家可归,甚至需要领取救济才能维持生活的人是怎样从一个差生就是凭借着这句话拿到了哈佛的奖学金。这就
Thank you, President Peterson. I am just thrilled to be here today at Georgia Tech – home to some of the most innovative minds in the world. I understand that one of our graduates today has set a very
美国20世纪最伟大的演讲09John F. Kennedy - Houston Ministerial Association Addres
Reverend Meza, Reverend Reck, I'm grateful for your generous invitation to state my views. While the so-called religious issue is necessarily and properly the chief topic here tonight, I want to empha
奥巴马演讲 悼念在班加西为国捐躯的英雄们
This week in Libya, we lost four of our fellow Americans. Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Chris Stevens were all killed in an outrageous attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. These fo
Hi,everybody.Seven years after the worst economic crisis in generations,our economy continues to grow and create jobs.In fact,our businesses have created 13 million new jobs over the past five and a h