名人演讲 :奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(1)
The president often criticized for his caution is now doing things in his own way. 由于谨慎而时常遭受批评的总统现在决定任性一回。 He is cut a climate deal with China and he issued an immigration order. 他与中国达成了气候协定并颁布了移民令。 W
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The policy of the United States is a Korean Peninsula free of all nuclear weapons. This morning, we moved a step closer to that goal, when North Korean officials submitted
Good morning,honorable judges,ladies and gentlemen! 早上好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们! I think you would be very glad to see me ,because I'm the last candidate of this morning . 我想你们会很高兴见到我,因为我是今天早上最后一名选手. After