I was asked last year to give a speech 去年我曾被邀请在 at the Oslo Freedom Forum. 奥斯陆自由论坛上做演讲 I was surrounded by this love 我觉得我周围 and the support of people around me, 都是来自人们的爱与支持 and they looked at me as an
Weekly Address: A Path Towards a Thriving Middle Class (January 31, 2015) 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统提出帮助中产阶级繁荣经济 Hi, everybody. 大家好! At a moment when our economy is growing, our businesses are creating jobs at the
A time for global action
We are living through a time of global economic challenges that cannot be met by half measures or the isolated efforts of any nation. Now, the leaders of the Group of 20 have a responsibility to take
奥巴马演讲 我们需要帮忙每个孩子进步2
Now, over these last few weeks, during what we’ve called Education Month around the White House, I’ve been traveling across the country talking with folks about education. In fact, we&rsqu
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