励志演讲 :计算让生命有意义的事情(5)
So as leaders, we understand that intangibles are important, but we don't have a clue how to measure them. So here's another Einstein quote: "Not everything that can be counted counts, an
US President's speech on Easter
US President's speech on Easter (March 26,2005) US President George W. Bush, pictured here with wife Laura after attending Easter services at Fort Hood, TX, 27 March 2005.(AFP/File/Tim Sloan) THE PRES
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尼尔·帕斯理查的博客“一千个美妙时刻”讲述了生活中许许多多细小的快乐时刻,这些时刻包括得到免费续杯和用上干净的床单。在TED多伦多站系列演讲中,他揭示了让生活变得美妙的三个秘诀(都以字母A打头)。 It begins about 40 years ago, when my mom and my dad came to Canada. My mom left Nairobi, Kenya. My d
Hello! Thank you so much. Thank you! (Applause.)Please, please have a seat. Thank you so much. First of all, can everybody please give Chionque a big round of applause for her great story? (Applause.)