President Bush Discusses National Security, Homeland Security and the Freedom Agenda at U.S. Army War College THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please be seated. (Applause.) Thank you for the warm w
That shows you how my mind works — quick, and away from the point. I read simply voraciously, and can drum up an opinion afterwards. 这能告诉你们我的思维方式—灵敏,与众不同。我如饥似渴地博览群书,并能在阅读后得出自己的见解。 Since I have bought
President's Radio Address
June 25, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Senate leaders introduced revised legislation on comprehensive immigration reform. I thank leaders from both parties for their bipartisan effort t
I recently fell in love with a story about a great piece of American art. 我最近喜欢上了一个故事,这个故事与一件伟大的美国艺术作品有关。 And it's about a guy named Bob Rauschenberg. 故事的主人公叫鲍勃·劳申贝格。 He was a young artist, and he wen
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