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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Television News Coverage 9
One minute of Eldrige Cleaver is worth 10 minutes of Roy Wilkins. The labor crisis settled at the negotiating table is nothing compared to the confrontation that results in a strike -- or better yet,
名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(4)
When I say it makes some people happy, I don't just mean that they're pleasurable, although that's part of it. 我说它能让一部分人幸福,并不是仅指它令人愉悦的那部分。 But, there's more to it than that. 虽然愉悦这一点是幸福
I am shocked and saddened by the horrifying attack in Nice last night. Our hearts go out to the French people, and to all those who have lost loved ones or been injured. While the full picture is stil
Good afternoon. Today, the Federal Open Market Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at ¼ to ½ percent. Our decision to keep this accommodative policy sta