TED演讲之感动重临 凌晨4点(4)
Coincidence to me has a much simpler metric. 对我来说,巧合有一个非常简单的魔力。 That's like me telling you, "Hey, you know the Nobel Prize was established in 1901, 比如,我对你说,“嗨,诺贝尔奖是1901年建立的, which coincidentally is th
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奥巴马演讲:Taking the Lead on Climate Change ...
Taking the Lead on Climate Change for the First Time President Barack Obama addresses the Climate Change Summit at the UN General Assembly in New York, New York on Tuesday September 22, 2009. Official
名人演讲:J.K. Rowling2008年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲part3
At your age, in spite of a distinct lack of motivation at university, where I had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing stories, and far too little time at lectures, I had a knack for passing e