So at a certain point, when kids get a little bit older, 到了某个阶段,当孩子们逐渐长大, there's this way that engaging with gross stuff isn't just about curiosity, 这样对待恶心事物的方法,已不只与好奇心有关, it's also about, sort of, f
Opioid abuse and addiction can impact anyone, 阿片类药物滥用和成瘾可以影响任何人, and everyone knows someone who has been impacted. 任何人都知道一些曾被影响的人们。 That's why we call it the "Crisis Next Door." 也因此,我们称其为“隔壁危机”。 Most
TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(6)
And if I would also look at India, you have another type of inequity, actually, in India. 我们再来看看印度,我们会看到另一种不平等。 The geographical, macro-geographical difference is not so big. 从地理的角度上来看,差距不大。 Uttar Pra
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But again, when it comes to the decisions which are impacting us the most, 但是,当我们谈论到最影响我们的决定, perhaps, the most important decisions that are being made about war and so forth, 可能关于类似战争这种最重要的决定时, again