Well, it's neither. It's not magic and it's not complicated. 嗯,其实都不是。它并不神奇也并不复杂。 It all just happened really, really, really fast. 只是这一切发生得十分,非常,特别快。 Computer scientists built these amazing, beautiful
We want you to keep more of your hard-earned money. 我们希望你多存一点血汗钱。 This way, you can spend it, you can save it, you can do whatever you want. 这样,你可以自主开销,自由存储,自己支配。 Third, we will restore our competitiv
Listen, you do not know what's about to hit you. And that's the great thing about life. 听着,你不知道会有什么来打击你。这正是生活的美妙之处。 How boring would the journey be if you already knew for sure the final destination?
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Hi, everybody. Five years ago, after the worst financial crisis in decades, we passed historic Wall Street reform to end the era of bailouts and too big to fail. As part that reform, we created an ind