Instead, we will follow two simple but very crucial rules 反而,我们将遵循两条简单并且非常关键的规则 We will buy American and we will hire American. 我们将购买美国的商品,我们将雇佣美国的员工。 Already, we have created over a million new jobs
美国经典英文演讲100篇:Farewell Address to Congress
General Douglas MacArthur: Farewell Address to Congress Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress: I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride --
The Gettysburg Address
背景知识 美国在1776年独立,脱离英国的管治,不足一百年间,已发展成一个超级大国。由于国土辽阔,南北之间的分歧亦大。 美国北方依靠工商业,要求提高关税以保护他们产品的市场;南方依靠农业,需要自由贸易制度,以便他们的棉花、烟草和大米卖到欧洲各国。但双方更大的分歧在于是否解放黑奴。 1860年,林肯(Abraham Lincoln) 当选美国总统,尽管南方人也认同林肯的看法,奴隶制最终要从地球上消失
TED演讲之说什么 重新定义字典(8)
So if you think of the word "set," a set can be a badger's burrow, 当你想到一个词“set”—“set”可以指獾的穴, a set can be one of the pleats in an Elizabethan ruff, and there's one numbered definition in the OED. 也可以指
Without solicitation on my part,I have been chosen by the free,and voluntary suffrages of my countrymen to the most honorable,and most responsible office on earth. 我没有乞求选票,但自由的同胞们却选举我,来担任这世界上最具荣誉,且责任最