By the authority invested in me by the USC Board of Trustees 我将行使南加大校董会赋予我的权力 I hereby confer upon Marc Benioff the degree of doctor of humane letters honoris causa 谨此授予马克·贝尼奥夫 人文学荣誉博士学位 Please accept
奥巴马演讲 检验我们国家的一天
Today, we pause to remember a day that tested our country. On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 lives were lost in the deadliest attack on American soil in our history. We will never forget the images
英语演讲稿-01 We often hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A personwho believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how manytimes
TED演讲之神童 青少年探索进行时 (4)
So I'm not saying, "Be like us", and "We're perfect role models", because we're not, but we just want to help represent girls in a way that shows those different dimensions. 所以我不是在说,“学我们的样子” 和“我们是完美的典
And I didn't have to sing for it, by the way And here's the kicker. 当然在这出戏里 我并不需要唱歌还有 最关键的是 It was at the Court Theater it was at the same theater. 这部音乐剧是在寇特剧院上演的也就是30年前 That I failed that first audit