奥巴马讲话 确保2014成为推动经济增长的一年
Hi, everybody. Yesterday, we learned that in 2013, our businesses created 2.2 million new jobs-including 87,000 last month. Our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since October 2008. And acro
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NSDA 第八届全国中学生演讲与辩论联赛总决赛补充赛事(即兴演讲高中)
主办方 NSDA China National Speech & Debate Association,即全美演讲与辩论联盟,是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的中学演讲与辩论荣誉组织,也是世界演讲与辩论领域最大的专业教练会员组织。自1925年成立以来,NSDA累计拥有超过150万学生会员,活动范围遍及全美50个州。仅2016年,就有逾18万中学生会员参加了NSDA举办的各类活动,学习成为批判性思
In 1996, when I was 18 years old, I had the golden opportunity to go on an international exchange program. 1996年时,我18岁,我获得了一个国际交换项目的宝贵机会。 Ironically I'm an Australian who prefers proper icy cold weath
TED演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(3)
If you look at what happened -- this little black line is as fast as man ever flew, 如果你看一看发生了什么 -- 这条小黑线和人们曾经飞行的速度一样快, and the red line is top-of-the-line military fighters and the blue line is commer