President Bush Discusses Kosovo
February 19, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Sunday, the people of Kosovo declared their independence. They have asked the United States for diplomatic recognition, and yesterday the United States f
I could fail to see change's consequences. 我可能忽视改变带来的后果, I could overlook the importance of roots, traditions, rituals, stability -- and belonging. 我可能忽视那些根源,传统,仪式,稳定性--归属感的重要性。 And the more fundament
19. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1994 Received the Nobel Peace Prize in the Speech 19. 以色列总理拉宾1994年在接受诺贝尔和平奖时的演讲 Since I don't believe that there was any precedent that one person got the N
Ted英语演讲:想要快乐?学会感恩——David Steindl Rast
大卫·斯坦尔德-拉斯特是一位和尚,也是研究多种信仰的一名学者。他说,想要变得快乐是人类共有的期待。快乐,是从感恩中获得的。这是一个可以带来启发的演说,让我们慢下来,看看你要走向何方,最重要的是,学会感恩。 TED演讲:David Steindl Rast Want to be Happy be Grateful大卫·斯坦尔德-拉斯特: 想要快乐?学会感恩 There is somet
奥巴马讲话 加班应有报酬 勤劳应有回报
Hi, everybody. In this year of action, I'm doing everything I can, with or without Congress, to expand opportunity for more Americans. This week, I ordered a review of our nation's overtime rules, to