TED演讲:抑郁的狗 强迫症的猫(5)
And there's actually an entire industry that is in some ways based on anthropomorphizing well,and that is the psychopharmaceutical industry. 其实有一整个行业。基于贴切的拟人化那就是精神药物的行业。 One in five Americans is c
So now I'm trying to figure out 现在我不得不考虑 am I going to give myself up this situation 自己是否应该退出 do I take cab 然后打的过去 do I take a train 或是坐火车过去 But as soon as that goes into my mind 但就在我有放弃的念头时 all I
And I would like to share one short vignette. 我想与大家分享一个小故事。 One Hazara said to his Pashtun counselor, 一个哈拉扎人对他的普什图咨询师说, "If we were to have met some years ago, then we would have killed each other. “如
President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with President Karzai of Afg
PRESIDENT BUSH: President, welcome. I'm pleased to be joined by President Karzai and members of his government, as we've just had a discussion with our fellow citizens, represented here on the screen.
I'd like to begin by thanking our hosts, President Kuczynski and the people of Peru, for such a warm welcome. This summit was a chance for APEC members to tackle the challenges facing the (global oppo