传染病学家演讲: 我们该如何控制新冠病毒传播?
传染病学家亚当·库哈尔斯基(Adam Kucharski)Ted公开演讲,以回答问题的方式,分享控制新冠病毒传播的方法。 [How can we control the coronavirus pandemic?] 【我们该如何控制住新冠病毒的传播?】 [From infectious disease expert Adam Kucharski] 【传染病学家:亚当·库哈尔斯基】 [Questio
TED演讲之说什么 不要固执于英语(3)
But if you're not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 如果你的母语不是英语的话,你要通过一个考试。 Now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability alone? 那么仅仅根据学生的语言能力就拒绝一个学生的做法合适吗? Perhaps you have a
Before announcing that Bill Daley will take over as chief of staff, the President had some very heartfelt kind words for Pete Rouse, who has been serving as interim chief of staff these past months. "
Each crew is seven students 每一组有七名学员 three on each side of a small rubber boat and one coxswain to help guide the dingy 小皮艇两侧各三人 还有一个舵手在中间指引方向 Every day your boat crew forms up on the beach 每天 我们都会在海滩
Ted英语演讲:大卫 霍尔特:演奏山林音乐
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