President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Housing Counseling
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for having us. We're here at the Family Service Agency here in Little Rock to discuss ways to help people either buy a home for the first time or stay in a home. Before I
奥巴马讲话 为中产阶级提供更好的保障
Hi, everybody. This week, I went down to an Amazon warehouse in Tennessee to talk more about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class, to make sure that anyone who works hard
2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(2)
Sort of. I'm going to explain briefly, how that happened 对吧 算是吧 我将简短的描述 我是如何飞黄腾达的 I want you to understand just how mysterious careers can be before you go out and have one yourself 我希望你们在走出校门追寻自己
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A few years ago, you embarked on this mission to try and actually image one of these things. 几年前,你接受这项任务来尝试并且、构想出这些东西的样子。 And I guess you took -- you focused on this galaxy way out there. Tell us abou