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As we age, our time horizons grow shorter and our goals change. 当我们逐渐变老,跟人生终点的距离不断缩短,我们的人生目标从而改变。 When we recognize that we don't have all the time in the world, we see our priorities most clearly. 当我
TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(1)
There's a great big elephant in the room called the economy. So let's start talking about that. 经济是个重要,而又常被避开的话题。让我们来聊下它。 I wanted to give you a current picture of the economy. That's what I have behi
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奥巴马演讲:Protecting the Gulf for Our Grandchildren
Today, President Obama travelled to the Gulf Coast region for the fourth time since the BP oil spill began in April. The President began his trip in Gulfport, Mississippi, where he met with National I