TED演讲之身体语言 拥有大脑的真正原因(1)
I'm a neuroscientist. And in neuroscience, we have to deal with many difficult questions about the brain. 我是个神经生物学家。在神经生物学研究里,我们需要处理很多关于大脑的难题。 But I want to start with the easiest question and the que
TED演讲之说什么 重新定义字典(10)
So a word without its source is like a cut flower. 一个没有来源的词就像一朵被剪下来的花。 You know, it's pretty to look at for a while, but then it dies. It dies too fast. 看一会还可以,不久就蔫了。蔫得太快了。 So, this whole time I've be
And I began to start thinking of myself as we start having mash-ups of fact and fiction, docu-dramas, mockumentaries, whatever you call it. 这时我开始想我们逐渐开始将现实和虚构混合在一起,发展出了纪录剧情片,伪纪录片,名字并不重要。 Are we going
Ted英语演讲:挑战病魔:Seth Berley:HIV 和流感疫苗策略
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In myself, I had a ready audience, and I believed that by expressing my thoughts and wishes, others would listen, too. 在我身体里有一个现成的观众,我相信只要表达思想和愿望,其他人也可以听到。 But as I began to communicate more, I realiz