Ted英语演讲:Ric Elias谈坠机让我学到的三件事
只有经历过一段刻骨铭心的过程,我们才会开始一个痛彻心扉的改变。在人生忙碌的追逐中别忘了生命中最重要的东西! 灾难到来时,我们才会发现看似普通的日常生活是多么可贵。2009年1月15日,全美航空1549号班机迫降纽约哈德逊河,Ric Elias 就坐在第一排的位置。听他分享在“人生最后一刻” 学到了什么。 Ric Elias: 3 things I learned
President Bush Commemorates Military Spouse Day
May 6, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Phil. I appreciate -- appreciate you and your band members being here today. Thanks for entertaining us here on the South Lawn of the White House. (Appl
So extraordinary variations, and surprising to some, 如此巨大的差异震惊了一些人, but not surprising to people who have read the work of Daniel Kahneman, for example, the Nobel-winning economist. 但是对一些人来说并不惊讶,比如阅读过
“The House Upon a Rock”
The past three months have seem a storm of activity from the White House, with initiatives on housing, the markets, the auto industry, small businesses, international financial cooperation, and job cr
TED演讲 全球经济的隐形推动力—寄钱回家(3)
U.S. Fed started a program with Mexico to enable money service businesses to send money to Mexico for a fixed cost of only 67 cents per transaction. 美国联邦政府和墨西哥之间启动了一个项目,使得汇款公司往墨西哥寄钱时只需要每笔67美分的手续费。 And