The President speaks about the just released National HIV/AIDS Strategy and his commitment to focusing the public's attention on ending the domestic HIV epidemic. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, ev
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当你开始感叹生活枯燥,每天的生活除了上班下班、吃饭约会、洗洗睡之外再无乐趣可言时,不妨试下改变你的生活方式:培养一种新的爱好,每天做一件你喜欢做的事情,培养一种新的生活习惯。每天只需一点点,或者你的生活从此就大不同。 Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days 小计划帮你实现大目标 A few years ago, I felt like I was stu
I ask you to judge my father by his results. 我请求你们根据成绩来评判我的父亲。 Judge his values by those he's instilled in his children. Judge his competency by the towers he's built, the companies he's founded, and
Today, we pause to remember and honour the Canadian men and women who have served our country and fought for freedom around the world. Time and memory may fade, but our respect and appreciation for Ca