Overwhelmingly, we of the Republic are men and women of good will; 我们合众国绝大多数人都是善良的人,不论男人还是女人; men and women who have more than warm hearts of dedication; 他们不仅都有热诚的奉献之心, men and women who have cool hea
奥巴马演讲:That Time You Interviewed the President
This afternoon the President sat down to answer some of the questions on the minds of Americans across the country. The questions were submitted and voted on in a process open to the public, conducted
Fourth, the Cures Act includes bipartisan mental health reforms, including important programs for suicide prevention. 第四,治愈法案包括两党性的精神健康改革,这包括预防自杀的重要项目。 And fifth, we're making sure the FDA incorporate
TED演讲之感动重临 凌晨4点(1)
This is a recent comic strip from the Los Angeles Times. The punch line? 这是最近洛杉矶时报的一幅漫画。笑点是? "On the other hand, I don't have to get up at four every single morning to milk my Labrador." “另一方面,我不用每天凌晨
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