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My friend, Daniel Batson, spent a whole life putting people in the lab in very complex situations. 我的朋友丹尼尔巴特森花了一生的时间研究人们在实验室中复杂环境下的表现。 And of course we are sometimes selfish, and some people more than
Telephone interview with Duncan Haldane following the announcement of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, 4 October 2016. The interviewer is Adam Smith, Chief Scientific Officer of Nobel Media. Duncan Ha
President Obama: Hey! All right, that's enough. Don't want to embarrass the guy. Welcome to the White House, everybody. As I have already delivered my farewell address, I will try to be relatively bri
奥巴马每周电视演讲2013年01月5日:在新的一年携手共进促发展减赤字(中英+) 在本周的讲话中,奥巴马总统谈到通过两党协商,国会在本周通过了减税法案,避免了中产阶级受到增税的冲击;同时他也向新入选的国会议员们表示祝贺,并期待着与新产生的国会在新的一年里继续合作,促进经济增长和削减财政赤字平稳进行。 Weekly Address: Working Together in the New Year