It is because we, all of us, hold to these principles that the political changes accomplished this day do not imply turbulence, upheaval or disorder. 正是因为我们大家都坚持这些原则,今天所实现的政治变动,才没有引起骚乱、动荡和秩序混乱。 Rather
That year, the country was coming out of civil war. 那年,哥斯达黎加刚从一场内战中解脱。 Thousands of Costa Ricans had died, and families were bitterly split. 成千上万的哥斯达黎加人死于战乱,一个个家庭支离破碎,人们流离失所。 And yet, a surprising ide
奥巴马演讲:"A Critical Milestone"
After many months of debate and deliberation, dozens of hearings, the dissemination and debunking of hundreds of myths and falsehoods, and testimonials from thousands and thousands of ordinary America
TED演讲 谈上帝与海啸(3)
And last week we sang with the children one of their favorite songs, 上周我们与孩子们一起唱了一首他们最喜爱的歌曲: The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock. 聪明人建房岩石上。 Perhaps some of you know it. Some of the words go lik
I would also like to tell the world that animals love. 我还想分享一下关于动物爱情的故事。 There's not an animal on this planet 世界上任何一种动物 that will copulate with anything that comes along. 都不会饥不择食地寻找活物进行交配。 Too old