全球变暖是我们目前面临的一个大问题,不过全世界都过分关注二氧化碳,却忽略了另外一个重要的气体——甲烷。 Fred Krupp: Let's launch a satellite to track a threatening greenhouse gas 我们能否发射一颗卫星来追踪威胁地球的温室气体? We've got a big problem on our hands with global
And we can see the tragedy of Africa in the first few bars here. Growth was negative. 我们可以看到非洲的悲剧就从这个条形图的前几个条。负增长! People were actually getting poorer than their parents, and sometimes even poorer tha
Speech by Liu Zhenming at the Session on the South China Sea of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Meeti
刘振民部长在博鳌亚洲论坛2017年南海分论坛上的演讲(中英对照版) 稳步推进南海沿岸国合作 Steadily Promote Cooperation among South China Sea Coastal States ——在博鳌亚洲论坛2017年年会南海分论坛上的演讲 – Speech at the session on the South China Sea of the Boao For
百度CEO李彦宏演讲 :创新时代的中国机会(2)
But what we quickly found was 但是百度 that we were still losing money. 仍然在亏损 Although we probably signed up the portal companies that 尽管占中国搜索流量超过80%的门户网站 represent more than 80% of the Chinese search tra
A Proclamation: Equal Pay Day
NATIONAL EQUAL PAY DAY, 2009- - - - - - -BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAA PROCLAMATION Harriet Beecher Stowe helped galvanize the abolitionist movement with her groundbreaking literat