Obama and Medvedev after meeting
REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMAAND RUSSIAN PRESIDENT MEDVEDEVAFTER MEETING Winfield HouseLondon, United Kingdom1:01 P.M. (Local) PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let me just make a brief comment. I am very grateful to Pre
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2021 SDcamps秋季赛|美国藤校演讲与辩论赛中国选拔赛的各组别奖项已全部决出,12月11-12日辩论赛/12月18-19日演讲比赛的获奖名单附后。 每一位参加12月11-12日辩论赛/12月18-19日演讲比赛的选手都展现出了各自的闪光点。SDcamps的舞台没有失败者,是否获奖远没有参赛体验和历练重要,每一个参赛选手都是精英。每个人都有属于自己的想法,都有不可替代的价值。 我们相信,登上
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President Bush Attends Medal of Honor Ceremony for Woodrow Wilson Keeble
March 3, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Welcome. Thanks for coming. Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary, members of the Dakotan Congressional Delegations, Senator from Alaska, other members of Congress, Members of
Thank you! Thank you all so much. It's great to be here with all of you. I'm looking out at the audience and seeing so many familiar faces, as well as those here up on the dais. I want to than