几分钟之前我的女儿Rebecca发了一条短信为我加油。她说“妈妈,你会震撼全场的!”我太喜欢这个了接到这条短信就像得到了她的拥抱。所以大家看到了我自己就处在这样一个核心矛盾里。我自己非常喜欢收短信但却要告诉大家太多的短信会成为一个大问题。 事实上,我的女儿让我想起了这个故事的开端。1996年我第一次在TED演讲的时候Rebecca只有5岁她就坐在那里最前排。那时我刚刚写了一本书庆祝我们的网
TED演讲 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适(1)
I thought I would start with a very brief history of cities. 我觉得我得从城市的历史简单说起。 Settlements typically began with people clustered around a well, and the size of that settlement was roughly the distance
TED演讲之超短集 坎迪·张:在死之前,我想...(2)
In 2009, I lost someone I loved very much. Her name was Joan, and she was a mother to me. 2009年,我失去了一个我挚爱的人,她的名字叫琼,对我来讲,她就像我的母亲一样。 And her death was sudden and unexpected. And I thought about death a
奥巴马每日发言Facts, Falsehoods the Benefits of Reform
The President hosted a town hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on health insurance reform, telling the crowd, "I don't think government bureaucrats should be meddling, but I also don't think insurance
Back in 2003, the UK government carried out a survey. 早在2003年,英国政府进行了一项调查。 And it was a survey that measured levels of numeracy in the population. 目的是了解国民的算术能力。 And they were shocked to find out that