Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择
Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择(中英双语+) When I was preparing for this talk, I went to search for a couple of quotes that I can share with you. Good news: I found three that I particularly liked, the
TED演讲之身体语言 别对我撒谎(13)
Science has surfaced many, many more indicators. 科学发现了更多的指示标。 We know, for example, we know liars will shift their blink rate, point their feet towards an exit. 比如说,骗子会改变他们眨眼的频率,他们的脚会对着出口。 They will t
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