PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, it’s a pleasure to welcome President Lobo to the White House, and this gives us an opportunity to reaffirm the friendship between the American and the Honduran people. Not
TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(1)
So, I didn't always make my living from music. 我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 For about the five years after graduating from an upstanding liberal arts university, this was my day job. 自从我五年前从一所正派的文理学院毕业起,这是我白天的工作。 I wa
And this turned out to be a little more dramatic than we expected it to be, 这个结果比我们想的要更有戏剧性, because none of the participants would even so much as strike these baby dinosaur robots, 因为甚至没有一个参与者去攻击这些小
On the one hand, there's the wanting processes. 在一方面,有一个期望过程 This is a bit like ambition and drive, 有点像野心和驱动力-- I'm going to do that. I'm going to work hard. 我要去做那件事,我要努力 On the other hand
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