Now, we did study some other species of primate. 我们也研究过其他种类的灵长类动物。 What species of primate do you think is even more divergent from the wild primates than the captive primates? 你觉得哪种灵长类动物比圈养的灵长类更加与野生灵
Now, this is often caricatured, as I have here, as a fear that armies of malicious robots will attack us. 现在我们时常会看到这样一些讽刺漫画,我们总会担心受到一些不怀好意的机器人军队的攻击。 But that isn't the most likely scenario. 但这不是最可能出现的
But part of the reason 但另一方面的原因 and that's the reason why we have ethical ground for pursuing these 即从人类的本质上看,它们也是很有价值的, is that they're also intrinsically valuable. 这也是为什么我们拥有追求这些特质的道德基础。 It&
In effect, they are the infidels. 实际上,他们才是异教徒 Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes, they have no questions, only answers. 像所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样,他们没有发问问题,只有答案 They found the perfect antidote to tho
名人演讲 :威廉王子向中国人发表关爱野生动物演讲(1)
Ladies and gentlemen, Never before have we had so many different ways to talk to one another. 女士们,先生们。我们同彼此交流的途径从未像今天这样多元化。 In the distant past, written documents would be carried by hand across thous