To all those tests you crammed for 包括你们努力准备才通过的考试 to the plans you're making now for your careers 包括你们为自己未来作出的规划 to go on to graduate school 例如去读研究生 You all have seen so much 你们经历了很多 You've wi
TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(1)
Hi, my name is Roz Savage and I row across oceans. 大家好,我是罗兹·萨维奇,我划船穿越大洋。 Four years ago, I rowed solo across the Atlantic, and since then, 四年前,我曾独自划船横渡了大西洋,之后, I've done two out of three stages across
13. Philippine President in Shanghai World Expo TV Speech 13. 菲律宾总统在上海世博会的电视致辞 Greetings from the Philippines! 来自菲律宾热情地问候! The Philippines is proud and honored to participate in the Shanghai Expo. 我嫩很
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