美国经典英文演讲100篇:I Have a Dream (2)
But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash
President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008 PRESIDENT BUSH: Gracias, señor. (Laughter.) What he forgot to say, Secretary Rice, is that he went to Notre Dame. She is a great supporter of Notre D
Cameron Russell承认她是个遗传的幸运儿,她是个高挑漂亮的内衣模特。但不要光用外表来评判她。在这场无所畏惧的演讲中,她用另类的方式来看待这个让她16岁时就变得充满魅力的的行业。Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.Cameron Russell: 外表不是全部。相信我,我是个模特。Hi. My
赫敏联合国演讲:谈性别平等 3
Your excellencies, UN Secretary-General, President of the General Assembly, executive director of UN Women, and distinguished guests. 尊敬的各位阁下,联合国秘书长,联合国大会主席,联合国妇女权能署执行董事以及各位贵宾们。 Today we are launching
President Bush Visits Cleveland, Ohio
July 10, 2007 1:42 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Fred. Thanks for coming. Thanks for having me. It's a smart marketing tool -- you know, all the cameras. (Laughter.) I thought for sure the larges