奥巴马每日发言As Prepared for Delivery(2009-03-09)
Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery Signing of Stem Cell Executive Order and Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum Washington, DC March 9, 2009 Today, with the Executiv
Now, this system, eventually, with other innovations, is what helped prevent stampedes altogether at that festival. 现在这个系统,最终和其他创新一起,帮助我们避免了节日踩踏发生。 The code used by Ashioto during Kumbh Mela will soon
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But the point is, is that there are tens of millions of talented young people out there who haven’t been similarly inspired, and we’ve got to figure out how do we make sure that everybody
My fellow countrymen, on this occasion, the oath I have taken before you and before God is not mine alone, but ours together. 我的同胞们,我此刻当着你们和上帝的面所宣读的誓词,并不仅仅属于我一个人,而是属于我们大家。 We are one nation and one pe