TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(4)
Of course, it's not just about stealing things. There are other avenues of technology that criminals can exploit. 当然,不单单是偷取东西。还有很多的科技途径可供罪犯开发。 Many of you will remember this super cute video from the
Now I have to have all of you killed 现在我得把你们都杀了灭口 Now of course, many of you, you already know this 当然 你们很多人已经知道这些 but for the uninitiated, let me explain 不过我要为不了解的人解释一下 When a member of the Seven die
TED演讲之身体语言 别让欺凌掩盖了你的美丽(2)
When I was eight, I wanted to be a marine biologist. 八岁的时候,我想当海洋生物学家。 When I was nine, I saw the movie "Jaws," and thought to myself, "No, thank you." 九岁的时候,我看了《大白鲨》。 然后我对自己说,“还是算了吧。” When I was 10, I
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