It is an honor to be here and to say to the Yale College Class of 2008: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations. 我深感荣幸能够站在这里为耶鲁大学2008届毕业生发表演讲。你们成功了,你 们走过来了;我们所有人都向你们表示祝贺。
每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 35 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 威廉·福克纳:接受诺贝尔奖时的演说 I feel that this award was not made to me as a man,but to my work—a life’s work in the agony and sweat of th
Now, what would it take in terms of land area to do this, 200 plants? 那么要建造200个工厂,需要多少土地呢? It turns out that they would take up about half the land area of Vancouver. 事实上,它们将占据温哥华大约一半的土地面积。 That's if
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On Improving Veterans’ Health Care
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON IMPROVING VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office BuildingRoom 450 11:54 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, John, for your outstanding service, and