Thank you, Professor Schwab, for that introduction, and thank you for inviting me to speak here at the World Economic Forum this morning. This is an organisation that is, as it says in the very first
President and Mrs. Bush Host State Dinner for Nation's Governors
February 24, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Laura and I are honored to have you here and it's a pleasure to be here with a lot of friends. You know, I've developed a unique perspective on this even
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也许你以前曾经买过那些那些摺纸玩具,他们能够做出洋娃娃或天鹅?TED 的研究会员 Manu Prakash 和他的团队成功做出像折纸一样简单的显微镜。讲者在这段影片中提供了让人惊奇的示范,并告诉我们这个装置将如何对开发中国家的健康问题造成影响。另外,这项技术也能够让所有事情都变成有趣的手作科学实验。 Manu Prakash在Ted英语演讲:只要50美分,就能拥有如折纸般的显微镜也许你以前曾经买过
Elkhart, Indiana was the first town I visited as President. I'd been on the job for three weeks, and we were just a few months into the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. Elkhart was hit hard