President Bush Meets with President Compaore of Burkina Faso PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, thank you for coming. I first started my conversation with the President by complimenting him on his leaders
Mine moved quickly 我的世界变化很快 yours moves even more quickly 你的世界变化更快 As traditional structures are breaking down 在这个传统结构正被打破的时代 leadership has to evolve as well 领导班子也需要演变 from hierarchy to shared respon
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That is why we are cleaning up the code, streamlining deductions, and eliminating many special interest tax breaks that largely benefit only the wealthy. 这就是为何我们要清理税法、简化扣税项目、消除大多只有利于富人的特殊利益减税优惠。 Just
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