Ted英语演讲:John Hockenberry:我们都是设计师
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Gosh! I'm so overwhelmed! Thank you to everyone that has shared their story tonight and has contributed to what has been the most heart-warming moment of my year. Good evening! Being a part of HeF
TED演讲我们需要钱来进行援助 那么就来印钞吧(3)
Secondly, inflation simply never became a threat. 第二,通货膨胀单纯来说时不会成为威胁的。 As you can see, in the United States,inflation for most of this period remained below average. 正如你所见到的,在美国,这个阶段大部分时间的通货膨胀都低于平均数。
Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :变成更好的讲故事的人
The biggest thing for me on that path 在我看来,这条路上最重要的莫过于 is I needed to draw 是需要描绘出一些东西 something out and I needed to get it out of my head. 再把它们忘却 I found myself very early on thinking about something,
Hi everybody. 大家好! Wednesday is Earth Day, a day to appreciate and protect this precious planet we call home. 下周三是世界地球日,这是我们珍惜和保护这个作为我们共同家园的珍贵星球的日子。 And today, there's no greater threat to our pla