He was rescued by a group of isolated Indians called the Mats's. 他被一群叫做Matsés的与世隔绝的印第安人救了下来。 They beckoned for him to follow them into the forest, which he did. 他们示意他跟随他们进入丛林,他照做了。 There, they too
19. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1994 Received the Nobel Peace Prize in the Speech 19. 以色列总理拉宾1994年在接受诺贝尔和平奖时的演讲 Since I don't believe that there was any precedent that one person got the N
President Bush Attends Ceremonial Groundbreaking of Walter Reed National Militar
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Deputy Secretary England, for that generous introduction. I am so honored to be here at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. This is often called the "Presi
美国总统奥巴马2009年6月4日在埃及开罗大学发表演讲时说,美国与全世界的穆斯林应在共同利益和相互尊重的基础之上有一个“新开端”,美国与伊斯兰世界并不排斥,不需要相互竞争。奥巴马同时说,美国与伊斯兰世界的关系不可能在一夜之间改变。他呼吁双方开诚布公,相互倾听,相互学习,相互尊重,寻找共同点。 (小编:更多名校毕业演讲视频及演讲稿)REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT Cairo Uni
TED演讲之入门 用前所未有的好方法诠释数字统计(11)
But I think it's very important to have all this information. We need really to see it. 我认为这些信息很重要。大家很有必要看到这些。 And instead of looking at this, I would like to end up by showing the Internet users per