Eulogy for a Lion
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTEULOGY FOR SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDY Our Lady of Perpetual Help BasilicaRoxbury, Massachusetts12:35 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Your Eminence, Vicki, Kara, Edward, Patrick, Curran,
Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. 让我们重新下定决心,拿出我们的勇气和力量, And let us renew; our faith and our hope. We have every right to dream heroic dreams. 让我们重新满怀信心和希望,我们完全有权利塑造崇高的理想。
And when that happens, all sorts of neat things happen. 当万事俱备的时候,就会出现良性循环。 One, the students can actually master the concepts, but they're also building their growth mindset, 首先,学生能够真正掌握知识,此外还能培养他们积极的
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