"21世纪杯"英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿集锦 决赛特等奖选手 2018级 陈若曦 Honorable judges and dear fellow students, Just as most people here,when I first saw the topic reform and opening-up policies,a voice came out,saying w
Fellas, can you imagine you're just on your phone, and someone walks up to you and just takes it out of your hand? 各位,你能想象当你在打电话的时候,有人走过来,然后直接把电话从你手中拿走吗? And they're like, "OK dude, I don't know why y
奥巴马演讲 开创清洁能源的未来
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama laid out his plans to address(处理,应对) rising gas prices over the short and the long term. While there is no silver bullet to bring down prices
Now this seems a bit strange. Economic growth seems to have really helped in the fight against poverty, 这看起来就有点奇怪了。经济的增长看起来对解决贫穷问题帮助很大, but it doesn't seem to be having much impact on trying to get to
Winston Churchill: Blood, Sweat And Tears
政治演讲特辑之六:丘吉尔就职演讲 Winston Churchill: Blood, Sweat And Tears On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of Parliament and the n